then there was the day when everybody was at the Glass studio…

… there was a hive of activity, everybody was working.. David worked on his line of drinking glasses with rocks embedded in them, Evan assisted, Jerry worked with a  group of clients with another glassmaker assistant, Heather was just outside the field of vision working on a deadline…

Glow Glas Studio in Oakland, California, full of activity!
Glow Glas Studio in Oakland, California, full of activity! (David Battaglia, Evan Kolker, Jerry Kung and Cody Nicely assisting + 3 brand new glassblowing students / designers standing around)
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Jerry Kung explaining something
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David Battaglia at work making his rock-drinking glasses

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Jerry Kung giving a glassblowing demonstration to his students, with Cody (to the far right) assisting

..but where was Jason?

Sometimes every hardworking glassmaker needs a restorative siesta...
Sometimes every hardworking glassmaker needs a restorative siesta…

Assisting Alex Abajian making large blown glass lampshades for a commission

As an outsider I just keep finding it amazing how much physical energy and simultaneous fine tuned technical skill goes into making each object that emerges from the hands of any of the glassmakers here at the studio.

Alex Abajian making custom lampshades matching existing sets precisely. When you work with technically advanced glassmakers you will get what you pay for: very special glass pieces!
Alex Abajian making custom lampshades matching existing sets precisely. When you work with technically advanced glassmakers you will get what you pay for: very special glass pieces!

Alex Abajian has some serious skills and a few more years of experience than most of the other glassmakers around the studio. It is always additionally exciting when two or more talented makers work together!

Blown Glass Sunflower Seed (large)

Watching the entire process of Jason creating a single seed takes a good 30 – 45 minutes. Many steps are involved in the making of each individual seed. Good timing and control of the glass is essential. ..

Jason Stropko in the process of creating another blown & sculpted glass sunflower seed for his collection of glass nuts & seeds ..
Jason Stropko creating another blown & sculpted glass sunflower seed for his signature collection of glass nuts & seeds ..
Jason Stropko with an almost completed blown & sculpted glass sunflower seed from his collection of glass nuts & seeds .. (Available for purchase anytime.)